Sign up and show your support for the Rovers
Sign up and show your support for the Rovers.
You will be showing your genuine support for the club. The Supporters Scheme provides a major source of income to the football club. Proceeds from the Supporters Scheme are “ring fenced” for the benefit of the football side of the club.
1/ To pay by CASH, speak to our chairman Kevin Mather at a game, in the Rovers Bar, or email him at kev.mather@hotmail.com alternatively, any member of the club management can put you in touch with Kevin.
2/ You can set up a bank DIRECT DEBIT yourself, either through online banking (details on the direct debit form at the bottom of this page), or by printing off, filling out, and handing the completed debit form in at your bank. NB: - It is VERY IMPORTANT that you give your contact PHONE NUMBER as a payment reference when setting up the debit. This will enable us to contact you to confirm your membership, issue your membership card and draw number, and to contact winners.
3/ You can also pay by CHEQUE, made payable to Stanway Rovers FC, to cover a minimum of six months payments. When paying by cheque, please include your name and contact telephone number with your cheque. Please place in an envelope and post (or hand in over the bar) to: Stanway Rovers FC “The Hawthorns” 50 New Road, Stanway, CO3 0PG. Please write K. MATHER - SUPPORTERS SCHEME on the bottom of the envelope.
REMEMBER: Each share in the scheme is £10 a month, and there is no limit to the number of shares you can hold.